Seaweed Packaging? The Future of The Takeout Industry

Every time you look at something that is packaged, it is usually in plastic. The problem with plastic is that it is indestructible. This material will stay around for hundreds of years. Most of the things that come in plastic, like plastic bottles are meant for one-time use. According to the UN, 300 million tons of plastic is dumped into landfills every day. Plastic gets leaked into our oceans and streets and it seems like there is not much we can do. This company, NOTPLA(not plastic) Ooho is working to replace plastic with seaweed.

The packaging is an edible “bubble” made from seaweed that is 100% plastic-free, biodegradable, and vegan. They also vary in serving sizes. Some are used for sauces, water, juices, and even cocktails. Since their goal is to replace plastic with this seaweed alternative, this product is designed to disappear. Leaving no harmful environmental trace.

This product has already been tested for those skeptical about this. Personally, I was also skeptical about this product, considering that it looked like tide pods, Notpla’s Ooho was used in the London Marathon of 2019. In a marathon, there are easy grab-and-go stations where the runners can get hydrated without having to stop. Notpla’s station was the only station where there was no trash left over. Requiring no cleanup at their station.

The product is compared to a cherry tomato. Where it can be swallowed hole, popping in your mouth to reveal the liquid inside. There is also another way to consume it, which is by biting the corner, and sipping through there.

This product could very well be the future of the takeout industry, with more plastic getting dumped in oceans, in landfills, and even streets we have to do as much as we can to save our Earth.

Check out Notpla Using this link: