Staff Feature Ms. Shoults

Ms. Shoults is a 7th-grade HiCap Social Studies and English teacher. She has taught at Meadowdale High School and Brier Terrace Middle School. Learn more about Ms. Shoults below!

How long have you been teaching or working in the school system?

10 years

What made you want to be a teacher, administrator, counselor, para, nurse, or other staff?

I had great English teachers in middle school and high school.

What has kept you going in education? 

The kids! I genuinely love spending my day with middle schoolers. 

What’s your favorite thing about teaching or working in the school system? 

Building relationships with kids.

What would be a job you’d like to do if you weren’t a staff member in education?

I would love to work at an animal shelter. My dream is to start my own animal shelter someday. 

If you are a teacher, is the subject you teach your favorite subject?

English! I love reading a novel with students. I also love teaching grammar 🙂

If you’re a teacher, did you enjoy the subject you teach right now when you were a kid?

Yes. It’s the reason I decided to become a teacher.

What do you like to do outside of school?

Take naps, hang out with my cats, cross-stitch, and bake.

Any interesting facts that students might think are fun, cool, or interesting!?

I’ve been in a cat circus. 

If you have any more questions about Ms. Shoults, go ahead and ask her! Room 12.